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2012 Graduation Commencement Ceremony of SOE Held

The Graduation Commencement Ceremony of SOE graduates in 2012 was held in SIEEB on July 4.

A total of 95 undergraduate students are going to graduate and move on from the school, 59 of whom received the Bachelor Degree of Environmental Engineering and another 36 were awarded with the Bechelor Degree of Civil Engineering. 99 graduate students would get their degrees, including 20 Ph.D. students, 63 Master students and 15 Masters of Engineering. Of the master graduates, 7 master students and 3 masters of Engineering were from abroad.

Professor Qian Yi and Professor Hao Jiming, Academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor Yu Gang, Dean of SOE, Professor Du Pengfei, Secretary of SOE Committee of CPC, Professor Duan Lei and Professor Jiang Jianguo, Vice Deans of SOE, Professor Liu Jianguo and Professor Liu Wenjun, Deputy Secretaries of the SOE Committee of CPC, and the teachers and faculty from different divisions attended the ceremony. Nearly 200 graduate and undergraduate students were present. Professor Zuo Jiane, Vice Dean of SOE, presided over the ceremony.