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Tsinghua Co-hosts the 27th China Adolescents Science & Technology Innovation Contest

The Award Ceremony of the 27th China Adolescents Science & Technology Innovation Contest (CASTIC) was held in Yin Chuan, Ningxia Province on August 14.

10 entries from 9 provinces or Autonomous Regions gained the “THU Adolescent Environmental-friendly Science & Technology Innovative Award”. Mr. Liu Jianguo, Deputy Secretary of the SOE Committee of CPC, granted the award to the winners.

CASTIC is sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Environment Protection, General Administration of Sports, Central Committee of the Communist Young League, All-China Women's Federation, National Natural Science Fund Committee and governments which help the contest. THU cooperated with CAST on this competition since 2009. Winners shall take priority in taking part in the SRT (Student Research Training) program and Global Environmental Leadership Program if they plan to study at SOE, Tsinghua University.