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SOE Co-hosts International Workshop on Reclaimed Wastewater Use and Clean Water Environment

International Workshop on Reclaimed Wastewater Use and Clean Water Environment (IWRCW) was held in Shenzhen on September 3rd.The co-sponsors of this workshop included SOE, the Graduate School at Shenzhen Tsinghua University (GSS), Kyoto University and Northeast Asia Reclaimed Wastewater Use in Urban Area Standards Cooperation Forum (RWUUA). Professor HU Hongying, Chairman of the workshop, presided over the opening ceremony. Prof. MA Hui, Vice Dean of GSS gave a welcome speech.

Experts from China, South Korea and Japan gave keynote lectures concerning the history, current situation and the future development of reclaimed wastewater use in China, South Korea and Japan. Then they discussed the issues in East Asia on reclaimed wastewater use, reclaimed wastewater quality requirement and reclaimed wastewater standards. An environmental technology exhibition was organized during the workshop. Nearly 40 innovative techniques and products for reclaimed wastewater use and clean water environment were presented in the Exhibition.

Professor Okamoto Seiichiro from Tokyo University presided over the closing ceremony. Nobuyuki Horie, Director of the Water Quality Control Department, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management in Japan, delivered a closing speech.

RWUUA was established to promote the building of the international standards for reclaimed wastewater use in urban areas and clean water environment risk management system. It was co-organized by Chinese, Japanese and South Korean governments and belongs to one part of the Northeast Asia Standards Cooperation Forum.