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The 35th Environmental Forum: River-to-Lake Water Division Technology & Industrial Heavy Metal Pollution Control

Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Wang Chao and Duan Ning were invited to the Environmental Forum on October 16th. Wang Chao made a report of River-to-Lake Water Division Technology and Application in Environmental Control of the Taihu Lake, in which he described the scientific problems and engineering technology in the river-to-lake water division technology, and its application  in the environmental pollution treatment of the Taihu Lake basin. He said river-to-lake water division technology is widely used around the world in lake basin pollution management. Yet despite some prominent advantages, the technology can cause some environmental problems like secondary pollution and ecological interference.  Furthur researches will focus on lake flows after water division, pollutants transport mechanism and blue algae bloom control, etc.

The other speaker Duan Ning’s report was Technical Control Approaches of Industrial Heavy Metal Pollution. Duan Ning related how heavy metal pollution events have seriously influenced society, but the treatment and management technology is complicated and relative research has been insufficient. Considering the  heavy metal treatment experience throughout the world, Duan Ning said the control of heavy metal pollution should be based on source control, i.e. energy conservation and emission reduction, and pollution prevention. Relative technologies should be improved, such as technologies for cleaner production processes, equipment sealing, equipment automations, and precise metering. The objective is to improve the ability to recognize, reduce, and recycle heavy metal pollution.