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Prof. He Kebin’s Article Selected As One of ISTIC’s 100 Most Influential Academic Papers in 2011

Institute of Scientific & Technology Information of China(ISTIC) released the 2011 list of the 100 most influential academic papers in China in early December and eight papers from THU were listed.

All-year’s outstanding SCI papers in 2011 were carefully evaluated based not only on the innovation of the results, the journal impact factor, the popularity and the reference of the paper, but also on whether the topic was close to the frontier, how the author cooperated with other scholars and to which area the paper belongs. The paper titled Primary Anthropogenic Aerosol Emission Trends for China, 1999-2005 published in the journal of Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics was chosen as one of the best 100 papers. Professor He Kebin from SOE was one of the co-author of this paper. In addition, another 7 papers from the Department of Chemistry, Department of Physics and School of Life Science from Tsinghua were also presented in the list.