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The 8th THU Environmental-friendly Science & Technology Competition Starts

The opening ceremony of the 8th THU Environmental-friendly Science & Technology Competition (TEFSTC) was held in SOE on April 26.

TEFSTC was jointly organized by THU, Tongji University (TJU) and Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology (XUAT), and sponsored by Tsinghua-Hach Joint Water Analysis Center. More than 80 Delegates from more than 30 universities attended the ceremony.

Mr. Wang Jun from SOE, the lead organizer of this competition, delivered a speech on the preparation work for the 8th TEFSTC. Delegates from XUAT, TJU, Henan Polytechnic University, and China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) introduced the situations in different competition areas respectively.

The 8th competition received 276 entries, which is more than ever before. All entries came from 48 universities, 20 more universities than last year. It also helped mainland universities to build connections with universities in Hongkong and Taiwan.