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2013 Tsinghua Alumni South China Environmental Forum Held

The 2013 Annual Meeting of South China Alumni Association of SOE and Tsinghua Alumni South China Environmental Forum was held in Guangzhou, on November 30. The forum was co-hosted by SOE and the South China Alumni Association of SOE, THU. Around 120 alumni from the School of Environment and its predecessor departments in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hunan, Sichuan, Hongkong, Macao and other places in China were present. Guests participants engaged in environmental protection also attended the forum.

Mr. Zhang Jinsong, President of the South China Alumni Association of SOE, summed up the situation of the South China Alumni Association this year. SOE Dean He Kebin introduced the current situation of SOE. Mr. Lie Zengbiao, Secretary-General of Tsinghua Alumni Association in Guangzhou, welcomed this annual meeting to be held in Guangzhou and encouraged Tsinghua alumni to win glory for SOE.

During the section of keynote speeches, Prof. He Kebin, Dean of SOE, Prof. Hu Hongying, Vice Dean of Graduate School at Shenzhen, THU, Mr. Wang Shaolin, Chief Engineer of Guangzhou Water Authority, Mr. Chen Tao, Deputy General Manager of Everbright Environmental Protection (China) Limited, Mr. Zhang Zhuo, Assistant to the President of Shenzhen Leo King Environ. Group, Mr. Feng Yubin, Chairman of MCB Equipment (GD) Co., Ltd., made keynote reports on various hot environmental issues currently. They introduced the frontier achievements, explored the professional content, proposed the practical topics, and shared their successful experience, which won warm applause from the alumni attending the forum.

At the end of the forum, SOE Prof. Jing Wenyong made the closing statement, appealing to the alumni to make contributions to the development of SOE and the environmental career in China.