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State Key Joint Laboratory of ESPC Hosts Annual Academic Committee Meeting

The 2013 Annual Meeting for the 4th Academic Committee of the State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control was held in SIEEB on March 31. 17 academic committee members and three honorary members attended the meeting.

SOE Dean HE Kebin presided over the opening ceremony. Academician QU Jiuhui, Director of the Academic Committee, presided over the meeting. Prof. Huang Xia, Director of the State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, delivered the 2013 annual report, which gave a comprehensive introduction of the laboratory construction in the past year. Representatives from Peking University, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Normal University and THU gave reports, respectively.

The academic committee fully acknowledged the achievements the laboratory made in 2013. The committee also put forward valuable suggestions on how to take the advantages of cooperation and innovation to solve environmental problems and provide consulting for the government.