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Asian Water Development Outlook III Kicked off in Kunming

Tsinghua Asian-Pacific Center for Water Security (APCWS) initiated the third edition of the Asian Water Development Outlook (AWDO III) on a meeting held in Kunming on March 3rd-4th. The meeting reviewed the Asian Water Development Outlook 2013 issued by Asian Development Bank (ADB), and set working plan for AWDO III expected to publish in 2016.

Prof. DU Pengfei, Chairman of SOE Council, and Mr. Ian MAKIN, Chief Water Expert of the ADB Regional and Sustainable Development Department, presided over the meeting. Around 20 representatives from Tsinghua, ADB, Peking University, World Resources Institute, International Water Management Institute and other institutes attended the meeting.The representatives put forward their ideas on how to carry out research on AWDO III officially, and reached a preliminary agreement with the division and cooperation of writing AWDO III.

The meeting provided a communication platform for international experts to share knowledge and experience of water security in Asia and the Pacific.