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Global Environment Program Reviewed Students’ Summer Exchanges and Internships

SOE Sep.21, 2015 The Global Environment Program (GEP) at the School of Environment, Tsinghua University had a review meeting for the students’ summer exchanges to overseas universities and internships in domestic institutions on 13 September, 2015. All GEP students classes attended the meeting hosted by the Program Director YUE Dongbei.

Two students introduced their research experience at Duke University, their research topics were “Arctic Economic Oil Potential” and “Road Digitalizing”. Another two students  stayed at Harvard University for 8 weeks, with research topics being “Health Statistics” and “An (alternative) Approach to Think about the Human Beings and the Environment”. Another student went to The University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign (UIUC) and participated in the research of “The effect of eccentric core in a core-shell model of light-absorbing carbon on optical properties”.

GEP 2013 students completed their summer internship and delivered what they have learnt during the two months. The working experience would be very beneficial for the future career, and also made them y realize their campus life is precious and short, it deserves everybody to keep it in heart and spend it effectively.

Director YUE Dongbei g expressed highly appreciation for the sharing. He recognized the achievements of the students and claimed all the students make solid knowledge base during the university, enhance language and professional skills and support each other for improvement.