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The 2nd International Forum on Engineering Education Held on 2-4 Dec.

The 2nd International Forum on Engineering Education (IFEE 2020), a biennial international academic eventhostedby Tsinghua University in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Engineering and UNESCO, was held on 2-4 December, with Office of Academic Planning and Development, School of Environment, International Center for Engineering Education under the Auspices of UNESCO being the main organizers.

Engineering education is now facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges as a result of accelerating scientific and technological development and industrial reform. The theme of this year’s forum is “Environment and Sustainable Development.”The Opening Ceremony was held on 2 December.

President QIU Yong, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), pointed out that universities should make social contribution to mitigate climate change for mankind. “Tsinghua University has launched the Global Alliance of Universities on Climate with eleven universities, and we focus on exchanges and cooperation on climate change,” he added.

In his keynote speech, the Rector Magnificus of Wageningen University and Research Arthur MOL summarized the major challenges that engineering education is confronted with and highlighted several areas of innovation and transition ineducational ecosystems.

Prof. XIE Zhenhua, President of Tsinghua’s Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development and the special advisor of the Climate Change Affairs at China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment, proposed ten measures to realize the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization.

At the ceremony, HOU Feng, Chairman of China Water Environment Group, and HUANG Xiaojun, Vice President and Managing Director of Veolia China, presented on topics related to waste water treatment and Environmental Business Development, respectively.

IFEE 2020 also featuredsixpanel discussions on 3 Dec. and 4 Dec. on the following topics: Water Environment and Water Ecology, Climate Change and Blue Sky Action,Technologies and Global Engagement, Climate, Environment and Health, Sustainable Chemical Engineering and the Future, and Engineering Education for Sustainable Development.