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SOE’s Research Achievements Win 3 State Science and Technology Awards

SOE, Tsinghua January 17th, 2018 3 research achievements conducted by professors of SOE were recognized at the 2017 State Science and Technology Awards Awarding Ceremony held in the People’s Hall in Beijing on January 8th.

Professor Yu Gang’s research group won the second prize of State Natural Science Award for their research on halogenated persistent organic pollutants. Prof. Yu’s group has studied the pollution characteristics and the control of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) for about 20 years. Their research has played an important role in the global control of POPs. Other members honored were Associate Professor Huang Jun, Professor Deng Shubo, Associate Professor Wang Bing and Dr. Yang Bo.

Professor Yu Gang's team in the awarding ceremony

Integrated membrane technology for urban wastewater treatment and engineering application led by Professor Huang Xia won the second prize of State Scientific and Technological Progress Award. The research was jointly completed by SOE and Beijing OriginWater Technology. Other honored members from SOE included Professor Wen Xianghua, Associate Professor Liang Peng, Dr. Xiao Kang, Dr. Sun Jianyu, Dr. Xia Junlin and Assistant Professor Qiu Yong.

Professor Huang Xia in the awarding ceremony

The technology for prevention and remediation of contaminated groundwater in landfill sites and engineering application, jointly completed by Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, SOE and four environmental companies, won the second prize of State Scientific and Technological Progress Award. Professor Li Guanghe was the second principal scientist of the achievement.

SOE has so far won a total of 26 State Science and Technology Awards, including 3 State Natural Science Awards, 3 State Technological Invention Awards, and 20 State Scientific and Technological Progress Awards.

by Gao Xiaojuan