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Tsinghua University’s School of Environment Faculty Named Chapter Lead Authors for Global Environment Outlook-7 (GEO-7)

On May 17, 2023, Zeng Xianlai, a faculty member of the School of Environment, was honored to receive an invitation from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) to take on the role of lead author for the chapter on 'Circularity Transformation Pathways' in the seventh edition of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7). This chapter aims to assess the intricate interplay between resource scarcity and waste proliferation, delving into potential strategies for transitioning from a linear to a circular economy.

Zeng Xianlai, an associate researcher at Tsinghua University's School of Environment, was a technical advisor to the United Nations Development Program, a visiting professor at Macquarie University and a Fulbright fellow at Yale University. His research areas and interests include solid waste management and circular economy. Zeng Xianlai excels in bridging scientific research with practical applications in industry, society, and government. His research focuses on addressing critical national societal needs, notably contributing to the advancement of concepts and principles related to anthropogenic circularity. His innovative work in the areas of e-waste and urban minerals has garnered significant international academic and industrial recognition.

The Global Environment Outlook, the flagship report of the United Nations Environment Program, is updated every four years and endeavors to provide a comprehensive assessment of the state of the global environment and to present major challenges in the field of the environment.