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Prof. Jia Haifeng from Tsinghua University appointed as Chair of IWGUS

Recently, IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Urban Drainage (JCUD) issued NEWSLETTER 37(MARCH 2024). In the Newsletter, it is officially announced that Professor Haifeng Jia from School of Environment, Tsinghua University is appointed as the chair of International Working Group on Urban Streams (IWGUS). Welcome message from new chairs to international colleagues is also posted.

The cochair of IWGUS is Dr. KIM Hyunook , professor from Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Seoul. The Secretary are Dr George N. ZAIMES, Associate Professor from Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Sciences, International Hellenic University, Greece, and Dr Huiling GUO, Course Chair from School of Life Sciences and Chemical Technology, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore.

IWGUS is the working group of IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Urban Drainage (JCUD), IWGUS aims to promote joint research and academic exchange among the JCUD community. This includes the dissemination of knowledge and technology related to urban stream restoration, including urban watershed environmental planning and management, urban runoff control, and LID BMPs.

IWGUS is open to all the experts and professionals practicing in urban-stream-related fields. distinguished senior professors, active mid-career experts, and young scholars or PhD students can act difference roles. The diverse expertise, roles and responsibilities of various individuals within the group is key to contributing to the success in achieving the goals of the working group.

All experts and young professionals are welcome to JOIN and CONTRIBUTE to IWGUS !

Please contact: Haifeng JIA (jhf@tsinghua.edu.cn) and Hyunook KIM (h_kim@uos.ac.kr) to get involved.


Dr. Jia HaiFeng , Professor and Director of Center for Urban Runoff Control & Stream Restoration, School of Environment, Tsinghua University; Editor-in-Chief of Water-Energy Nexus

Dr. Jia research interest focus on sponge city and resilience city, urban runoff control, water quality simulation modelling, urban river rehabilitation and water resources management. He has made major scholastic contributions in the areas of urban river restoration theory and technical system, coupling simulation of water-ecology-land-air system.

Dr. Jia has engaged in collaborative research extensively with international colleagues: he has served as a Visiting Professor in USA, UK, Germany and Netherlands. He is also very active in participating in international academic activities and international organizations. He has attended many international conferences; including those held by ASCE/EWRI, IWA, etc... He served as Member of IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Urban Drainage, National Sponge city construction technical committee, Vice Director of Sponge city construction committee of China Urban Water Association. He also was appointed by many municipal governments as consultant expert for sponge city construction and water environment protection, include Shanghai, Anhui, Hohhot, Foshan, Suzhou, Nanping, Shantou, Qingyang, etc.