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Poster Exhibition of “Industrial Ecology” and “Environmental Decision-Making Practice” Courses

On January 2nd, 2024, the School of Environment organized a poster exhibition in its hall for two courses: graduate course “Industrial Ecology” and undergraduate course “Environmental Decision-Making Practice” from Weiyang College. A total of 54 students from various schools/departments participated in the poster exhibition.

The event site

Students presented their thoughts, learning, and ideas from the courses through their posters. Professor Xu Ming, the instructor of both courses, provided concise and insightful comments on each poster. Students engaged in enthusiastic discussions about the topics that interested them. Many faculty members and students were drawn to have in-depth discussions with the presenters.

Lively exchanges among participants

The innovative poster exhibition approach for assignments of the two courses has provided students with an open and free communication space. Such arrangement has facilitated dialogue and interaction among participants. Through participation in this event, students have gained a deeper understanding of the course material and cultivated personal interests while addressing real-world environmental issues. Additionally, students’ abilities in academic poster design and presentation have been enhanced, which lays a solid foundation for their academic and professional career.