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Representatives from School of Environment, Tsinghua University and BCRC China Attend the First Meeting of the Small Inter-sessional Working Group on the Technical Guidelines on the Environmentally Sound Management of Waste Batteries

From March 10th to 12th, 2024, the Secretariat of the Basel Convention convened the first meeting of the small inter-sessional working group on the technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of waste batteries in Geneva, Switzerland. Representatives from Parties including China, Uruguay, the European Union, Brazil, Canada, Kenya, the United Kingdom, Tanzania, as well as observers from the United States, relevant enterprises, and non-governmental organizations, totaling over 60 participants, attended the meeting. The meeting aimed to revise and discuss the updated “Technical Guidelines on the Environmentally Sound Management of Waste Lead-Acid Batteries” (referred to as the “WLAB TG”) and the “Technical Guidelines on the Environmentally Sound Management of Waste Batteries Other Than Waste Lead-Acid Batteries” (referred to as the “WOB TG”). Li Jinhui, a Professor at School of Environment, Tsinghua University and the Executive Director of Basel Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (referred to as the “BCRC China”), and Dong Qingyin from BCRC China attended the meeting.

Professor Li Jinhui and Mr. Berends Chiel from the European Environment Agency co-chaired the session of the WOB TG formulation. This session focused on discussions about the scope of the guidelines, the types of applicable batteries and the legislative and policy framework. A direction for the formulation of the text with suggestions is formed during this first session.

Professor Li Jinhui and Ms. Torres Judith from Uruguay co-chaired the session of the WLAB TG revision. This second session focused on discussions about the scope of the guidelines, the types of applicable batteries, the legislative and policy framework, extended producer responsibility (EPR) systems, classification and collection, mechanisms for transboundary movement, informal recycling activities, hydrometallurgical recovery, and health and safety, etc.. A suggested draft for the revision of the text of WLAB TG is formed at the second session.

Professor Li Jinhui presides over the revision of the guidelines

Additionally, the meeting further discussed the next steps for the revision of the WLAB TG and the formulation of the WOB TG. By March 25th, 2024, Parties are invited to provide relevant information on both guidelines; by April 10th, 2024, information documents for both guidelines are to be formed for consideration at the fourteenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG 14); and the second meeting of the small inter-sessional working group is tentatively scheduled between October and November 2024.

On-site picture of the meeting

In June 2022, the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention adopted a decision to revise the “Technical Guidelines for the Environmentally Sound Management of Waste Lead-Acid Batteries” and to develop technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of waste batteries other than waste lead-acid batteries. In July 2022, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China sent a letter to the Secretariat of Basel Convention expressing its willingness to serve as a co-lead country for the “Technical Guidelines for the Environmentally Sound Management of Waste Lead-acid Batteries” and nominated Professor Li Jinhui as the co-chair. Additionally, the letter nominated four experts to join the small inter-sessional working group: Dong Qingyin from BCRC China, and He Yi, Ding He, and Wang Zhaolong from the Solid Waste and Chemicals Management Centre of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China.