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Delegates from SOE and BCRC China Attend SPP OEWG3

The third session of the ad hoc open-ended working group (OEWG3) on a science-policy panel (SPP) to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution, organized by the United Nations Environment Programme, was held from June 17 to 21 in Geneva, Switzerland. Nearly 600 representatives from 124 Member States and 54 observer organizations attended the meeting. Li Jinhui, Vice Chair of the SPP OEWG Bureau, Professor at School of Environment, Tsinghua University, and Executive Director of the Basel Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (BCRC China), along with Zhang Qiaoyun, Project Manager of the Regional Chemicals Management Branch at BCRC China, attended the meeting as members of the Chinese delegation.

A group photo of the members of the Chinese delegation

The meeting focused on discussing the foundational documents and their annexes for the establishment of the SPP, as well as preparation proposals for the intergovernmental meeting that will officially launch the SPP. The meeting established four contact groups: Contact Group 1 focused on the foundational documents for establishing the SPP, including its scope, objectives, functions, operating principles, institutional arrangement, effectiveness, and impact; Contact Group 2 discussed the process for determining the work plan and delivering outcomes; Contact Group 3 addressed the rules of procedure, financial procedures, and conflict of interest issues; and Contact Group 4 worked on the preparations for the intergovernmental meeting to establish the SPP. The meeting reached a broad consensus on capacity building, a core issue with significant differences in opinion. The operating principles were streamlined, and the functions of the SPP’s governing and subsidiary bodies were preliminarily defined. Additionally, two draft decisions to be submitted to the intergovernmental meetings were updated. It was decided to hold the resumed session of OEWG3 back-to-back with the intergovernmental meeting in early 2025.

Li Jinhui speaks on behalf of the Asia-Pacific region

During the meeting, Prof. Li Jinhui, along with H.E. Saqlain Syedah, the Pakistani Ambassador to Germany, co-hosted the Asia-Pacific regional meetings. This facilitated a consensus on several important issues within the Asia-Pacific region. Li Jinhui also delivered a statement on behalf of the Asia-Pacific region during the plenary session. Additionally, Li Jinhui chaired informal consultations on the OEWG budget and financial situation, effectively advancing the negotiation process on these issues.

Li Jinhui chairs the Asia-Pacific regional meeting

During the fourth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), it was decided to establish the SPP in accordance with Resolution UNEA5/8. It aims to become an independent intergovernmental body with equal status to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), to further promote the sound management of chemicals and waste and prevent pollution. On January 30, 2023, the OEWG 1 and 2 meetings were held in Bangkok, Thailand. During the election of officials, Professor Li Jinhui, nominated by the Chinese government, was elected as Vice Chair of the OEWG Bureau. During the preparation and negotiation phases of the meeting, representatives from BCRC China carefully reviewed the meeting documents and provided strong technical support to the Chinese delegation, playing a crucial role in the negotiations at both the plenary sessions and the contact groups.