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Home > People > Faculty

Division of Environmental Sustainability

Tel: +86-010-62785610
Location: School of Environment, Tsinghua University,Beijing,100084

Education Background

Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, July 1999, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

B.S. in Environmental Engineering, July 1995, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


2023-present Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

2011-2023 Associate Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

2004-2011 Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University

1999-2004 Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University

1999-2001 Visiting Scholar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Research Area:

Water qualitymodeling

Environmental planning and management

Research Projects:

1. Multi-discipline cooperation in urban planning and management, Education Committee of Beijing, 2006-2008

2. Evolution of urban water cycle and mechanism of efficient water use, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2006-2010

3. Energy conservation and chemical reduction of municipal wastewater treatment process, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2006-2010

4. Policy for the environmental targets of the 11th five year, Chinese Committee of International Cooperation on Environmental and Development, 2007

5. Managing water scarcity: intelligent tools and cooperative strategies, EU, 2007-2009

6. Framework of environmental pollution accident prevention and emergency system for typical industrial zone, Emergency Office of State Council, 2007

7. Technological policies optimization for pollution load reduction, Ministry of Environmental Protection, 2008-2009

8. Water system planning for Daxing New City, Institute of Urban Planning and Design of Beijing, 2009

9. SEA for industrial development in the region around Bo Sea, Ministry of Environmental Protection, 2009-2010

10. Integration of urban water pollution control technology and construction of supporting platform, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2009-2011

Academic Achievements

Published Books:

1. CCICED Task Force on Pollution Reduction, Pollution reduction for China: strategy and policy, China Evironmental Science Press, 2008 (in Chinese)

2. Siyu Zeng, Environmental management and environmental sociology methods, Tsinghua University Press, 2004 (in Chinese)

3. Zhishi Wang, Jining Chen, Pengfei Du, Scientific innovation for environmental assessment of coastal cities, Macau University Press, 2002

4. Weizhong Wang, Comparative research on international sustainable management strategy, Commercial Press, 2000 (in Chinese)

Published Articles:

1. Sun PengCheng; Zeng SiYu; Chen JiNing. Modeling of nitrobenzene in the river with ice process in high-latitude regions. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences, 2009, 52(3): 341-347

2. Siyu Zeng, Jining Chen, Ping Fu. Strategic zoning for urban wastewater reuse in China. Water Resources Management, 2008, 22 (9): 1297-1309

3. X. DONG, J. Chen, S. Zeng, and D. Zhao. Integrated assessment of urban drainage system under the framework of uncertainty analysis. Water Science and Technology, 2008, 57(8): 1227-1234

4. Sun, F., Chen, J., Tong, Q., Zeng, S., 2008. Managing the performance risk of conventional waterworks in compliance with the natural organic matter regulation. Water Research, 2008 42(1-2), 229-237.

5. Dong X., Zeng S.Y., Chen J.N., Zhao D.Q. An integrated assessment method of urban drainage system: A case study in Shenzhen City, China. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China. 2008, 2(2): 150-156