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2010-2011 Conference of Graduate Youth League Committee of SOE Held

    The annual conference of Graduate Youth League Committee of SOE was held in SIEEB on April 9.

    The Secretary of the Graduate Youth League Committee Liu Yijie, and President of Graduate Student Union Fan Gaoyuan made the annual work reports. The outstanding individuals in 2010- 2011 were awarded in this conference. The conference also elected the president of the 14th Graduate Student Union of SOE.

    The meeting was attended by the Secretary of SOE Committee of the CPC Du Pengfei, the leader of graduate affairs group Sun Fu, Deputy Secretary of the Graduate Youth League Committee of Tsinghua University Luan Hexin, Vice President of Graduate Student Union of Tsinghua Univesity Zhang Feng, vice leader of graduate affairs group Zhang Xiaoyuan, and other 57 representatives from graduate Student Union and Youth League Committee.