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The convening of Sixth International Solid Waste Management and Technology Conference

From August 30 to September 1, the Sixth International Conference on solid waste management and technology was held in Suzhou. The conference was supported by Tsinghua University, Solid Waste Association of China Environmental Science Society, United Nations Environment Programs (UNEP), Stockholm Convention Asia-Pacific regional capacity building and technology transfer center, UNEP Basel Convention Coordinating Center for Asia and the Pacific, and Solid Waste Management Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Hao Jiming, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Dean of School of Environmental Science and Engineering was appointed as the chairman of the Academic Steering Committee. Professor Li Jinhui, the Executive Secretary of UNEP Basel Convention Coordinating Center for Asia and the Pacific was appointed as president of the meeting. More than 270 delegates from domestic and foreign universities, government departments, research institutes and industries attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Hao Jiming, Zhang Shigang, the chief representative of UNEP China office, Chen Ying, Solid Waste Management Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Quan Haozhi, Solid Waste branch of Solid Waste Association of China made the opening speeches. Dadan Wardhana HS from the Basel Convention Secretariat, Shinichi Sakai, President of the Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management (JSMCWM), Professor Fumikazu Yoshida at Hokkaido University in Japan and the other 60 national and international well-known experts and scholars delivered keynote speeches on solid waste management and processing technology, electronic waste and biomass waste management and processing technology.

During the conference, regional workshops on e-waste recycling partnership and seminars on strategies for Chinese solid waste were also held at the same time.