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Prof. Zuo Jiane of SOE Chairs the 6th Seminar on MEE Training

The 6th Seminar on Masters of Environmental Engineering (MEE) Training, sponsored by the China National Collaborative Group of Masters of Engineering of Environmental Engineering, a subdivision of the China National Steering Committee of Professional Education of Masters of Engineering (SCME), was held in Yixing, Jiangsu on October 19-21.

Hu Yong, Vice Dean of the College of Environmental Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology is the group leader and ZuoJiane, Vice Dean of SOE, Tsinghua University, is the deputy leader of this group. Experts from many famous universities around China took part in this seminar and discussed issues regarding full-time professional masters and part-time professional masters training and future opportunities and challenges. Prof.ZuoJiane introduced the training experience of the Masters of Environmental Engineering of SOE through the example of Sino-French Advanced Master Program in Environmental Energy Management. SOE has enrolled in full-time professional masters of Environmental Engineering since 2009 at Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University.