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Academician Liu Hongliang Wins Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award

The 9th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Awards ceremony was held in the Beijing Conference Center on June 13, 2012.

Academician Liu Hongliang,  the Adjuct Professor and famous alumus of SOE, Professor Nie Jianguo from THU and Ge Xiurun, the Research Fellow of Chinese Academy of Science and famous alumus of THU, were rewarded the “Guanghua Engineering Award” during the ceremony. Academician Liu is an expert in the field of Environmental Engineering. He graduated from the Department of Civil Engeering at THU in 1954 and was elected a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 1994. He is also the Research Fellow of Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences and the Debuty Director of the Science and Technology Advisory Committee of the State Environmental Protection Administration.