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SGATU Team Visits Taiwan

A team of Student Green Association of Tsinghua University (SGATU) made a visit to Taiwan from April 30 to May 5.

All 14 members visited Beitou Incinerator in Taipei on the first day. They were showed around the whole Incinerator and got a general idea of the process of garbage incineration. The second place of interest where they stopped on the second day was the Institute of China and Asia-Pacific Studies (ICAPS), National Sun Yat-Sen University (NSYU). Prof. Lin, Teh-chang from ICAPS talked about the development, status-quo and future plan of Taiwan’s Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) on the meeting. After NSYU, they moved on to the last destination: National Taiwan University (NTU). The Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering (GIEE) of NTU and Root and Shoot Association held a welcoming ceremony. Prof. Pen-Chi Chiang from GIEE delivered speeches on Taiwan’s solid waste treatment and the environmental engineering research and education of Taiwan on the ceremony.