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Prof. Jia Haifeng Elected Member of Core Group of ASCE/EWRI and Candidate of IFA

The 2012 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE/EWRI) were held in Albuquerque, USA, from May 20 to 26. Associate Prof. Jia Haifeng from SOE, THU, was invited to the conference and elected as a member of the Control Group of ASCE/EWRI and Candidate of the International Fellow Award (IFA) for ASCE next year. He will be in charge of the future affairs of the Urban Watershed Management Committee (UWMC) of ASCE/EWRI.

Prof. Jia has been a member of ASCI/EWRI’s UWMC and the member of the Urban Water Resources Research Council of ASCI/EWRI. He was also the first D.WRE certified by the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers (AAWRE) from PRC. This year, he attended the 8th annual conference of AAWRE.