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SOE Co-hosts China POPs Forum 2012

China POPs Forum 2012 & the 7th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants (China POPs Forum 2012) was held in Tianjin on May 17. Its theme was, “Eliminating POPs, Ensuring Environmental Safety”.

The forum was launched by POPs Research Center of Tsinghua University (PRCTU), and co-organized by the Stockholm Convention Implementation Office of Ministry of Environmental Protection (CIO/MEP), Professional Committee of POPs of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences (PCPCSES), and Environmental Chemistry Commission of Chinese Chemical Society.

Prof. XuJingjun, Vice President of Nankai University (NKU) gave a welcoming speech on behalf of the host. Prof. Yu Gang, Director of PCPCSES and PRCTU and Dean of SOE, presided over the opening ceremony. Attendees exceeded 300 including delegates from domestic and international scientific research institutes, administrative offices and enterprises. Experts from USA, Switzerland and France were also invited to the forum. The three main topics of this forum were, “Demand and Strategy of POPs Elimination”, “POPs Scientific Research and Decision-Making” and “POPs Elimination Technology Development and Application”.

Prof. Dai Shugui from NKU, one of the founders of the discipline of Environmental Chemistry, received a 2012 Award for Outstanding Achievement in the ceremony for his long-term contribution to the development of Environmental Chemistry and professional personnel training. PCPCSES also summarized the last year’s work and discussed the plan for the next year during the meeting.