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Environmental Management and Environmental Technology Assessment Conference Held

Conference on Environmental Management and Environmental Technology Assessment sponsored by the State Environmental Protection Engineering Center for Technology Management and Evaluation (SEPECTME) of SOE, THU, was held in Beijing on May 24 and 25.

Mr. Zhou Fengbao, Director of the Office of Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment, delivered a welcoming speech during the opening ceremony. Prof. Wang Kaijun, Research Fellow of SOE, presided over the ceremony and introduced the top-level design and the road map of China’s Environmental Management and Environmental Technology Assessment. Prof. ZuoJian’e from SOE discussed the technologies and management of ammonia pollution control. Associate Prof. Wen Zongguo from SOE cited the case of coal chemical industry to elaborate the Guideline on Best Available Technology (BAT) of Pollution Prevention and Control and its application.

More than 100 Experts from the European IPPC Bureau, USEPA, California EPA, Fukushima University and Veolia Environmental Group, etc. attended the conference. Discussion topics included the BAT design, establishing standards, technology verification, cleaner production and industry pollution control technology, issues concerning the chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, textile industry, metallurgy industry, sludge treatment and livestock and poultry production.

SEPECTME was set-up in 2010. It aims to promote the development of China’s Environmental Technology Management System.