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SOE Co-hosts Workshop on Dioxin Sampling and Analysis

SOE co-hosted a Workshop on Dioxin Sampling and Analysis with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization(UNIDO)Regional Plan for Introduction of BAT/BEP Strategies to International Source Categories of SC Annex C of Article 5 in ESEA region and Foreign Economic Cooperation Office(FECO), Ministry of Environmental Protection on May 28.

Nearly 20 technicians and managers who work with dioxin from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Mongolia, Philippines and Thailand attended this workshop. Representatives from UNIDO and FECO each delivered welcoming speeches. They also introduced the background, the purpose and the preparing process of this workshop. Prof. Yu Gang, Director of PRCTU and Dean of SOE, gave a report on the scientific research, the laboratory development and social activities of PRCTU during the last ten years, hoping to strengthen the cooperation between East and Southeast Asia in solving regional POPs problems.

The workshop lasted 4 days during which professors of SOE, technicians of the dioxin lab and a few experts from Japan introduced the theory of dioxin sampling and analysis. Moreover, the technicians showed the operation of pre-treating samples and data analysis and took attendees to visit the real sampling process in the waste incineration plant.