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MEP officials meet SOE for Environmental Technology Development

Delegates from the Department of Science, Technology and Stardards (DSTS) of Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) visited SOE to participate in a forum on the development of environmental technology on October 17th.

Among the 11 visiting delegates included Zhao Yingmin, Director of DSTS, Liu Zhiquan and Wang Kaiyu, Deputy Director of DSTS. Prof. Yu Gang, Dean of SOE, began the meeting by a brief introduction about SOE Prof. Hao Jiming, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,  pointed out that Tsinghua University’s efforts in building a world-class university have promoted the development of the environmental science discipline, and the national demand of pollution treatment provided the platform for research in environmental protection. The environmental problems in China are complicated and typical as well, said Prof. He Kebin, Executive Vice Dean of the Graduate School of Tsinghua University. To solve the current environmental problems, science and technology should be taken  as a priority approach and the main national needs should be taken into consideration. Zhao Yingmin said the development of environmental protection relies on technology innovation, and SOE has made great contributions to the solution of some main national environmental events with  advanced technologies. He hopes that SOE can make more contributions to environmental protection in the future.

Twelve delegates from SOE attended the meeting, including Prof. Du Pengfei, Chairman of SOE Council, Prof.Duan Lei and Prof. ZuoJian’e, Vice Dean of SOE, Prof. Liu Wenjun, Vice Chairman of SOE Council, and Prof. Huang Xia, Chairman of SOE Academic Committee .